Obed Mwangi


John Busienei

Director & Lead Consultant

Dr. John Busienei is a human resource expert with over 15 years extensive experience in public administration, business management, consultancy and academia. Human Resource and Organization development expert who has adverse experience. Dr. J.Busienei has over 15 years extensive experience in public administration and private institutions.  He earned his PhD in Business Administration (Human Resource Management) and Master of Business Administration in the same specialization from the University of Nairobi in 2013.  His expertise focuses on Human resource planning, recruitment and selection, job evaluations; salary survey, organizational structure review; strategic planning; organisational development and systems strengthening; capacity development and training; development of performance management frameworks/tools; organizational assessment and workload analysis; and salary review. He is experienced in policy development, implementation and review of the same and research and teaching in agribusiness.

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Great Heights Management Consultants Ltd

We are a management consultancy firm based in Nairobi, Kenya, registered as a limited liability company on 25th July, 2016 and incorporated the same year in.


